Unconventional Sports from Around the World

The world of sports extends far beyond the familiar realms of soccer, basketball, and tennis. In the modern era, it has transcended their initial purpose of mere physical competition and have become a global source of entertainment. 

Beneath the spotlight of mainstream athletics lies an enchanting and lesser-known universe of unconventional sports. It’s a remarkable testament to human creativity, traditions of diverse vultures and athleticism that such a wide array of sports, from the bizarre to the humorous, now exist and captivate audiences worldwide.

From the heart-pounding excitement of Calcio Storico in Italy, to the graceful artistry of Sepak Takraw, we delve into the depths of these unconventional sports, unearthing the historical and cultural contexts that have given rise to these extraordinary pastimes. Whether you’re intrigued by the quirkiest sports ever devised or simply seeking a dose of amusement, these 20 lists is your gateway to the fascinating and entertaining world of unconventional sports.

1. Sepak Takraw – Southeast Asia

Our journey begins in Southeast Asia, where the sport of Sepak Takraw reigns supreme. Originating in the early 15th century in Southeast Asia, it stands as a culturally significant sport that blends elements of volleyball and soccer. Played with a rattan ball and distinct acrobatic prowess, this sport sees teams of three players each taking turns serving and spiking the ball over a five-foot net, with a strict rule against using hands and arms. Sepak Takraw’s international recognition, governed by the International Sepaktakraw Federation (ISTAF), highlights its global appeal, but it remains deeply entrenched in Southeast Asian culture, serving as a symbol of tradition, community, and pride.

women's double sepak takraw event at the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon

2. Calcio Storico – Italy

From Southeast Asia, we travel to Italy, where Calcio Storico takes center stage. Originating in the 16th century in Florence, Italy, Calcio Storico, also known as calcio fiorentino, is a striking amalgamation of soccer, rugby, and wrestling. Played on a sand-covered field, this sport brings together teams representing various neighborhoods in an intense, no-holds-barred battle, where scoring goals involves any means necessary. The blend of raw athleticism and deep historical significance renders Calcio Storico an extraordinary spectacle, uniquely Italian, and an enduring testament to the competitive spirit in sports.

Calcio Storico Game Match Between Azzurri and Rossi in 2008

3. Bossaball – Spain

Bossaball is a sport that fuses elements of volleyball, soccer, and gymnastics that was created by Belgian innovator Filip Eyckmans in 2005. Played on a vibrant inflatable court equipped with trampolines on either side of the net, bossaball engages two teams of four players in a rhythmic spectacle set to the infectious beats of samba and bossa nova music. In this sport, players can execute up to five hits per volley, but with a fascinating twist: only one hit is allowed with their hands or arms, while the remaining four must be executed using their feet, chest, head, or legs. The sport’s unique setup and festive atmosphere make it a must-see for sports enthusiasts.

4. Underwater Hockey – Worldwide

Imagine playing hockey at the bottom of a swimming pool with a puck and snorkel gear. Underwater hockey might sound like one of the most obscure sports in the world, and indeed, it lives up to its name. In this unique game, two teams dive beneath the surface to pass a weighted puck and score goals underwater. The goals are scored by skillfully maneuvering the puck up a gentle slope and into a trough beyond the goal line. What makes underwater hockey particularly challenging for spectators is it all takes place beneath the water’s surface, limiting the view for onlookers. Despite this, it’s a sport that has found its niche in over thirty countries and even boasts bi-annual world championships and a European championship, showcasing the dedication of its passionate players and fans to this aquatic and intriguing form of hockey.

Two players compete for the puck at the GB Underwater Hockey

5. Hurling – Ireland

Hurling, a sport originating in ancient Ireland around 3,000 years ago, is often hailed as the fastest field game globally. It’s a bit like a mix of field hockey, lacrosse, and soccer. Players use a unique curved wooden stick called a hurley to smack a small ball called a sliotar into the other team’s goal. Besides its high-speed action, hurling is a significant part of Irish culture and history, cherished by the Irish people for centuries.

6. Sepak Bola Api – Indonesia

In the Indonesian village of Karapan, there’s a remarkable tradition known as Sepak Bola Api or fireball football, which has been around for generations, tracing its roots back to the early 1900s. This daring sport takes bravery to a whole new level, where two teams engage in a soccer-like game, but with a twist – the ball is a flaming coconut husk! What’s even more astonishing is that the players wear no protective gear, relying on their agility and skill to kick the blazing ball while avoiding getting burned. Sepak Bola Api is not just a testament to human courage but also a breathtaking spectacle, showcasing the indomitable spirit of the players in the face of fire.

7. Yukigassen – Japan

Born in Japan in 1989, Yukigassen is far from your typical snowball fight. It transforms the winter pastime into a competitive sport where two teams, each comprising seven players, engage in battle within a snow-covered arena. These teams wield specially made snowballs and employ a combination of strategy and athleticism to eliminate opponents either by direct hits with snowballs or capturing their flag. Each side begins with 90 premade snowballs, and the objective is to have the most players standing when the snowballs are depleted. Yukigassen showcases the fusion of strategy and sportsmanship in a uniquely wintry setting, redefining snowball fights as a thrilling and competitive spectacle.

8. Bo-taoshi – Japan

Bo-taoshi, a Japanese sport, is like a high-stakes version of capture the flag. Two teams, each with 150 members, battle to topple the opposing team’s 10-foot pole while protecting their own. Players form human pyramids to reach the top, making it a physically demanding spectacle. It gained popularity in the mid-1950s among military cadets.

Two squads scrambling for possession of the pole

9. Cheese Rolling – England

Every year in Gloucestershire, England, daring competitors chase a rolling wheel of cheese down a steep hill. Cheese rolling, a delightfully eccentric sport originating in the United Kingdom over two centuries ago, remains a relatively hidden gem. This annual event unfolds during England’s Spring Bank Holiday atop Coopers Hill, where a judge releases a wheel of cheese, and participants joyfully race downhill in pursuit of this dairy prize. The first to reach and secure the cheese is declared the winner. While it might sound simple, the steep terrain and the uncontrollable speed of the cheese make it an exhilarating and sometimes perilous event.

10. Wife Carrying – Finland

Originating in Finland, the Wife Carrying World Championships is an amusing sport where male competitors carry their female partners through a 250-meter obstacle course. The goal is straightforward: complete the course as swiftly as possible, with prizes awarded for costumes and entertainment value. What adds to its eccentricity is its rumored historical connection to a group of thieves who kidnapped women, making it one of the quirkiest sports. The most amusing part is the prize, which consists of the wife’s body weight in beer, adding a humorous touch to this sport that blends strength, teamwork, and tradition.

Wife Carrying at a World Championships

11. Extreme Ironing – Worldwide

Extreme ironing, one of the world’s quirkiest sports, involves taking the mundane chore of ironing to extreme locations on Earth. Ironers, the enthusiasts of this sport, transport their ironing boards to remote spots and iron clothes. Although categorized as a sport, it’s more about showcasing these unconventional feats than competing. This unusual pastime originated in 1997 when an Englishman, wanting to relax and do the ironing, combined the two activities by climbing a mountain with his ironing board. Since then, ironers have taken their antics to new heights, literally, by ironing while rock climbing, scuba diving, or even skydiving, adding a humorous twist to the blend of domesticity and adventure.

12. Ostrich Racing – South Africa

In South Africa, ostrich racing is a popular sport that involves jockeys riding these large, flightless birds at high speeds. In this peculiar competition, daring participants mount these large, flightless birds and attempt to maintain their grip as the ostriches hurtle down a track at remarkable speeds, often reaching up to 43 miles per hour. The spectacle not only provides an adrenaline rush for competitors but also leaves spectators in fits of laughter as they witness the inevitable, and often comical, falls from the backs of these speedy birds, with the ostriches occasionally continuing to dash ahead, riderless.

13. Ferret Legging – United Kingdom

Born in England, ferret legging is undoubtedly one of the most offbeat and unconventional sports you’ll ever encounter. This contest serves as a true test of endurance and sheer determination. As the name implies, participants seal their trouser legs around their feet, creating an enclosed space within. The real challenge, however, comes with the introduction of two live ferrets into these trousers. The goal is to keep the ferrets from biting sensitive areas, making it a truly bizarre and painful challenge.

14. Hornussen – Switzerland

Founded in Switzerland during the 16th century, hornussen is a truly distinctive bat-and-ball game, defying easy comparison to baseball or cricket. It unfolds with two teams, each comprising 16 to 20 players, taking turns hitting a small puck known as a “nouss” at each other. The defenders employ a specialized tool called a “schindel,” resembling an oversized square pizza peel, to keep the puck from landing in their designated zones. Combining elements of baseball and golf, hornussen stands as a unique and culturally rich sport, showcasing its Swiss heritage with every swing and flight of the puck.

15. Quidditch – Worldwide

Quidditch, the whimsical sport from the world of Harry Potter, has transformed from fiction into reality. In this quirky game, players straddle broomsticks while blending aspects of cosplay, rugby, handball, water polo, and dodgeball. Remarkably, it has even spawned professional leagues in the UK, continental and international competitions, and an annual Quidditch World Cup, making it a dream come true for Potterheads and an enchanting real-world spectacle.


16. Tejo – Colombia

Originating in Colombia, Tejo is the country’s national sport with a rich history dating back centuries. The game revolves around the skillful art of throwing a metal disc, known as a “tejo,” at a target embedded with gunpowder-filled packets, creating an explosive reaction upon impact. Points are awarded based on the precision and intensity of these throws. Tejo, a traditional and exhilarating sport, not only showcases accuracy but also adds an electrifying touch of pyrotechnics to the mix, making it a unique and culturally significant pastime in Colombia.

Target post of a tejo field

17. Shin Kicking – England

Shin kicking is a bizarre sport that hails from England. In this event, two competitors stand face-to-face, gripping each other by the collar, and then proceed to kick each other squarely on the shin. Victory is achieved when one participant either topples to the ground or utters the word ‘sufficient,’ signaling surrender. Surprisingly, shin-kicking was once considered a legitimate martial art in Britain and even featured prominently in the Cotswold Olympick games, annual UK sporting events held until the 1850s. Protective gear is minimal, making this a painful and unusual sport that has been practiced for centuries.

Two men are attempting to wrestle the other to the ground by kicking his opponent's shins

18. Chess Boxing – Worldwide

Chess boxing is an intellectual and physical battle that combines the strategic prowess of chess with the physical intensity of boxing. Players alternate between rounds of chess and boxing, striving to outmaneuver their opponents both mentally and physically. Originating in Berlin, this unusual sport has since gained a dedicated following worldwide, attracting competitors who excel in both the intellectual and physical realms.

19. Toe Wrestling – United Kingdom

Toe wrestling is a peculiar sport that involves competitors locking toes and attempting to pin their opponent’s foot to the ground. With roots in a pub in Derbyshire, England, this quirky pastime has grown to include annual championships that draw participants from around the world. Much like arm wrestling, toe wrestling requires strength, strategy, and, of course, dexterity in the toes, making it one of the oddest yet strangely captivating sports you’ll ever come across.

20. Buzkashi – Central Asia

Originating in Central Asia, Buzkashi is an adrenaline-fueled sport often dubbed as “goat grabbing.” It involves horse-mounted players vying for possession of a decapitated goat carcass, which serves as the “ball.” The objective is to carry the goat carcass across the opponent’s goal line while fending off rival riders. This traditional game blends equestrian skill, brute strength, and strategy, captivating audiences with its intensity and showcasing the rich equestrian heritage of the region.


The world of sports is a treasure trove of diversity, and these unconventional sports from around the world provide a glimpse into the creativity, athleticism, and cultural richness that make our planet so fascinating. Whether it’s the disciplined grace of martial arts in Asia, the pulsating rhythms of samba-infused bossaball, or the audacious contests of shin-kicking, these unconventional sports from around the world provide a captivating glimpse into the creativity and resilience of people from varied cultures. Through these sports, we witness the boundless capacity of the human spirit to adapt, compete, and celebrate, serving as a bridge between cultures and uniting us in the universal joy of play.