Tips to Build Confidence in Your Kids

Being a parent is a very crucial role. The responsibilities don’t end in providing your children with the physical and material things they need and want but being there to guide and train them into the person you want them to be. However, it is not all the time you are there to guide your kids in everything they do; thus, it is important to build their confidence to help them stand on their own while doing the things they want.

Confidence or self-esteem is essential for young children because they will carry this to their future and will affect how they deal with other people, performing tasks in school, doing responsibilities in the workplace, and achieving his goals in life until he gets his own family and kids to raise and train. Confidence is vitally important to future happiness, health, and success.

Building confidence in your children helps them later on in dealing with peer pressure, responsibility, frustrations, challenges, and both positive and negative emotions.

And do you know what the KEY factor is in developing a child’s confidence? -it’s the parents! Parents are the number one source of role modelling. You as a parent is the number one teacher, and your home is the first place where and learning starts. Therefore, ensure that your home is a safe and beautiful place for a child to mold his behavior, skills, and his concept of self-esteem, self-trust, or confidence.

Unconditional Love: Strong Foundation

It is the central element or the pillar of how kids see themselves-it’s how parents treat them, speak to them, listen to them, and care for them. It’s also their definition of the value of their existence. The way you see your kids has a profound impact on how they see themselves.

Make it clear to your children that you love and care for them even when they make mistakes or poor decisions and avoid harshly criticizing or shaming them.

Improve your own confidence

You cannot give your child something that you don’t have, and that includes confidence. You are the very first role model to your child; thus, it is crucial to have that beautiful, and good image to him by simply saying positive and good things about yourself, and about everyone in the family. This might not be achieved overnight but train yourself first, so your child simply can follow that confidence in you.

Spend quality time together

Your child grows too fast, and time is something that you cannot bring back. It is essential to spend time not only when you have free time, but you must spare time for your kids. They will feel valued and loved when you give them attention, care, and love.

Take your child for a park bonding, watch movies together, play with him, eat with him, or do any other activity that allows you to enjoy time together. During these times, allow personalized conversations, like asking “how was the game?”, or “how do you find this movie?”. A quality time with your child gives you the idea of how he feels about himself, his skills, and the things that he likes and doesn’t like, and the things he wishes to improve.

Don’t get mad at his mistakes

Getting upset or disappointed with a child is very common among parents, especially when a parent is strict and has a perfectionist personality. There are some good points to this, but sometimes, being too strict does not help build a child’s confidence.

Whenever your child commits a mistake, don’t be upset with him or his mistakes, instead let him learn that it’s normal to commit mistakes, and not to dwell on it but to find ways to be better next time.

Guide them to discover their passion

The best way to discover their passion is to notice what are the things they usually spend the most time with, and by giving them eyes and ears. Do not impose things for them to learn if they do not feel comfortable doing it because it might be your passion and not theirs.

Once you have discovered their skills and talents, it’s your part to help and provide the things they need to hone those skills and abilities.

Give them “special tasks” or age-appropriate activities to help you out

Besides the usual tasks they perform in school or at home, ask your child to do some “special tasks” to help them feel competent, responsible, and helpful. Using the word “special” boosts the child’s confidence even more.

Examples of special tasks include watering the plants, or helping groom your pets, looking after a younger sibling, or being your kitchen assistant.

Teach them how to set and achieve goals

Goals to set must be realistic and achievable with his age, so your child won’t feel less capable or less confident about himself whenever the task seem big. Encourage him to trust his skills, and to train more when needed, and remind that there is no short cuts to achieving goals.

Praise them the right way

Showering your child with praises isn’t the right and effective way. It should be given at the right time and in the right ways (genuinely). Celebrate effort and success, whether big or small. While praising, your kid helps boost his confidence; it is always important to remind him that you appreciate his efforts regardless of the outcome.