How to Embrace the ‘Hygge’ Interior Design Style

Scandinavian interior designers are amongst the most forward-thinking, trend-setting, and, indeed, sustainable creative minds in the entire world of home design and décor.

Hygge, otherwise known as ‘Scandinavian chic’, is the antithesis of simplicity, beauty, warmth, and crisp and comfortable design, and if you are interested in embracing the Hygge interior design style, then you have definitely come to the right place.

Only Use Tactile Materials

Now, firstly, if you are planning on an entire redesign of your home, or indeed you have recently purchased a property and are looking to entirely renovate the space before moving in, for a truly hygge aesthetic, timber wall cladding and wooden flooring are at the heart.

However, for the majority of people who are not looking to entirely transform their home and are instead wanting to change the interior design element of the property, a much more affordable way of adding textures and materials such as sheepskin, linen, and boucle wool for layering purposes.

Moreover, any fabric, and indeed, any item of décor, should be focused on a natural and earthy aesthetic.

Focus on Warmth & Comfort

There are several, still popular, interior design frameworks, such as minimalism, that are admittedly beautifully arranged and work to convey an incredibly clean and simple ambiance but are far from conducive to relaxation.

One of the overarching features of Hygge design is always to be in keeping with a warm and cozy design aesthetic, and no single investment can represent this change to your home’s interior design than a beautiful traditional fireplace from

Warm & Muted Lighting

The lighting you choose in your new space, in the context of both fixtures and fittings and the depth and brightness of the light, is crucial to the hygge design.

Danish people place a huge importance on the addition of different lighting styles to how their mood is affected, and as such, instead of harsh overhead lights, you should choose wooden table and floor lamps instead.

Scented Layers

The philosophy of hygge centres around relaxation and natural beauty, so the candles, wax melts, and oil burners you use should all reflect natural scents and smells that conjure images of nature and the great outdoors.

Fresh pinecones and even beautifully decorated jars of potpourri add to this sensory experience, so in the summer months, treat yourself to luxurious-smelling candles and wax melts in peony and jasmine, and for the winter, bergamot, and pine.

A Warm & Neutral Colour Palette

Finally, and perhaps at the heart of hygge design, you should consider entirely transforming the color scheme of any room you intend to create such a natural and relaxing aesthetic.

The golden rule of the Scandinavian design style of hygge is to stick, almost religiously, to a color palette that only includes light brown, dark brown, white, cream, light grey, and dark grey.

However, far from this being a restrictive framework to work with, the contrasting options in terms of textures, fabrics, and patterns within this color scheme are limitless.