Building Self-Esteem: 7 Tips to Give You a Boost

Before we can learn how to improve our self-esteem, we first need to understand what self-esteem is. Self-esteem refers to the amount to which we rate ourselves positively. This includes how much we value and like who we are and is often based on comparisons with other people.

Unfortunately, lots of people in the UK have low self-esteem. They feel like they are not good enough, pretty enough, clever enough, etc. If you’re one of these individuals, and you’re looking for a way to improve how you feel about yourself, we’re here to help you. Here are some tips to help you improve your self-esteem:

1. Stop Trying to Please Other People

People with poor self-esteem often feel obligated to say yes to others, even if they really want to say no. They put helping other people before their own mental health. As well as this, they try and fit in with others instead of being themselves. For example, instead of wearing their favourite Rolling Stones shirts, they wear clothing that is currently considered on trend. This can lead to them feeling unhappy, uncomfortable, stressed, and overwhelmed. While it’s ok to help others occasionally, learning to say no is essential if you feel this way.

2. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

One of the easiest ways to improve your self-esteem is to stop comparing yourself to others. You are your own person and will never look or act like anyone else. As soon as you realise this, you can start celebrating who you are and what you stand for.

3. Look At Your Qualities

Many people with low self-esteem struggle to think of any good qualities they have. While it can be hard to think about what you admire about yourself, acknowledging your qualities and your skills can really help improve your self-esteem.

4. Identify the Situations That Affect Your Self-Esteem

Another great tip that can help improve your self-esteem is to think about the situations that affect it. Common triggers might include:

  • A work presentation.
  • A problem at home, work, or school.
  • A challenge with a partner, co-worker, or someone else.
  • A change in life events, such as a child leaving home or a job loss.

Once you know the situations that affect your self-esteem, you can start looking for ways to overcome them.

5. Remember That Everyone Makes Mistakes

No matter how old you are, it’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes. We must make mistakes to learn and grow, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you occasionally get something wrong. We all do it.

6. Accept Compliments from Others

One of the most challenging parts of improving self-esteem is that when we feel unhappy with who we are, it can be hard to accept compliments from others – even if we need them. However, it’s important to do your best to accept compliments from others, even if you don’t like to. In time you will learn to accept them with a smile – a sign that your self-esteem is improving.

7. Stay Active

Exercise has many benefits. As well as helping to increase motivation, it can also help improve your self-esteem and confidence. And the great news is that you don’t have to go running to get these benefits; even small amounts of exercise can positively impact you.

Self-esteem can change from day to day. Sometimes we feel happy about who we are, and other times our mind is flooded with negative thoughts. When this happens, it can be challenging to see a way out. Thankfully, there are some things we can do to help increase our self-esteem once more, including the things we’ve listed above.